Monday, August 4, 2008

July 5, 2008

Looking at the video you'd think we had a great day sailing. Actually we had light winds to begin with and stopped for lunch at at restaurant between Enoshima and Kamakura with slowest service I've ever seen. The service was slow even the wind got fed up and left. My two passengers Jona and Osada-san had to paddle the boat back ......... about 2km to Zushi, but without paddles.


Anonymous said...

hello, I live in Tokyo and I am looking for a place to sail (catamaram). I saw your video, looks great. Is there a place to sail and rent boats?

Sailing Log said...


I sail a Hobie wave in Zushi(, about 1 hour out of Shibuya, one station after Kamakura. I also sail a Tornado but its farther down the Miura penninsula. If you send me an eMail address I'll send some links.

